booster school fundraising

Booster school fundraising is a wonderful way to bring more students into the classroom. No doubt, you are aware that fundraising is a necessary component of every school fundraiser. But, do you know that it is also essential for you to attract and keep the attention of the children? A great fundraising idea can do that! And since the attention of children and their parents is very important, here are some fundraising ideas you can apply for your school fundraiser.

*Card fundraising: A lot of people love making greeting cards because it is really a fun way to express one’s emotions. You will never go wrong if you choose this fundraiser. In order to make your card fundraiser successful, you have to make sure that you follow these tips.

* Buy enough cards: There is no hard rule when buying cards for your fundraiser. You just need to make sure that you buy enough cards. This is because there are a lot of fundraising ideas that can use greeting cards as their form of advertising. As a matter of fact, you can actually use cards to promote a cause or a movie ticket sale. Make sure that you have enough cards for all these ideas.

* Price your cards right: You should always remember that in fundraising activities, it is important to set a good price for your products. This is because most children will pay attention to how much a product costs. Aside from that, you should also make sure that you know the exact amount of money you need to raise for your cause. Price your cards right so that you will be able to attract children’s attention.

* Buy cards with a message: For your school fundraiser, you can try to include a message in your cards. You can write the entire idea on the back of the card. Or, if you want to include designs or words, you can do so. In this case, you have to make sure that you put the message in letters that your children can read.

* Booster cards can sell easily: If you want to promote a fundraiser that requires a minimal investment, like a booster bag fundraiser, then you can choose to sell booster bags filled with candy or any other promotional item. These items are quite inexpensive and reusable. In this case, you can definitely make the most out of your booster cards. After all, the purpose of these cards is not only to sell but to educate.

* Design and create an attractive design: It is important for your fundraiser to have an appealing design. This is because most school-goers are more attracted to attractive designs. So, if you want to sell your cards, make sure that you give them an appealing design. This will definitely attract more buyers and donors.

* Sell your cards online: You can sell your booster school fundraising cards online. You can either use eBay as your platform or create a website yourself. Once you set up your website, you can list the items you are selling. In this case, it is important for you to do a little research in order to find the best sellers on the market.

* Mail your cards: You can also mail your cards to your potential donors or buyers. You can use regular snail mail service or send your brochures through email. You should also make sure that you add a note on the bottom part of the cards informing the recipient to return the card immediately and the price of the items inside. You should also add a picture of the items being sold.

* Choose the right cards: Before selling your cards, make sure that you have the right ones. For one, you should not include any school advertisements or slogans on the cards. These items are considered as advertising materials. If you do not have the right advertisements, it would not be good for your fundraiser.

* Put an end to your collection: When you have already made the best sales of your booster cards, it is time for you to stop collecting money for the same. This is because the cards are now useless to you. If you want to have a streak of success in this fundraiser, you should encourage your customers to collect them regularly instead. It would be better if you ask them for their payment once they have purchased one. This way, you can be sure that you will have your money right after every sale. You can also ask your customers to sign the cards when they buy them so you can have their signatures for your files.